What I’m Reading…

Well, you can always rely on my fiction tastes to take you in a completely different direction…I’m now reading ‘The Secret Lives of Baba Segi’s Wives’ by Lola Shoneyin.

Baba Segi has four wives and the first three have provided him with the children and devotion that he believes he deserves. Everyone told him not to marry a graduate…god forbid, an intelligent and well educated woman, but that is exactly what he did and now he has all manner of problems.

Funny and yet poignant and with a real sense of a different culture and world I am entranced by Lola Shoneyin’s clear and yet beautiful prose…and how can you not be lured in by the beautiful cover 🙂


Complete change of direction and I’m currently reading ‘The Children Act’ by Ian McEwan. Having been a fan of McEwan for many, many years I haven’t been all that engaged by my last couple of reads – ‘Sweet Tooth’ and ‘Solar’; so it is with some hesitation that I’ve chosen his latest for my next read.

But so far so far good…the story of a high court judge faced with a difficult decision concerning a teenage boy with leukaemia. But what has been totally fascinating is the legal detail and the decisions that have to be made which creates an intense atmosphere.

Not much more than a novella, I am racing through the taut, tight prose and I know it will take me no time to reach its as yet unknown conclusion.

the children act

I am currently reading ‘The White Queen’ by Boris Akunin – a Russian detective novel with its tongue firmly set in cheek at the end of the 19th century. Slightly camp and very entertaining, our hero Erast Fandorin moves from calamity to catastrophe at an alarming rate all in search of a dark and dangerous beauty…61463

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